How Your Diet Can Help Prevent and Manage Disease

| Lifestyle TipsPreventative CareHow-ToPatient Education

The right foods can make a big difference in preventing and managing diseases. Nutrition isn't just a part of your treatment - it's the key to improving your overall health. At Schneck Nutrition Services, our team is here to help. We'll create a personalized eating plan tailored to your needs and provide expert guidance on making better dietary choices.

Diet's Impact on Conditions

Research shows a direct link between poor diet and an increases risk of adult deaths, especially from cardiovascular disease. Your diet plays a major role in your chances of developing conditions like cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

Loading up on too much sugar, salt, or unhealthy fats is a surefire way to increase your risk. The good news? Eating a balanced, nutritious diet can help lower that risk. And if you're already dealing with one of these conditions, proper nutrition and other lifestyle changes can help you manage it better and take control of your health.

Young man meal preps for the week, dividing food into multiple containers

Incorporating Nutrient-Dense Foods

Looking for a simple way to boost your health? Load up on nutrient-dense foods! You don't have to ditch your favorite treats altogether. The trick is making smart swaps more often, like trading frosted cereal for protein-packed Greek yogurt. Smart swaps like these help ensure you get all the nutrients you need. Small changes can make a big difference.

Maintaining a Balanced Approach

The key to good health? Balance. You need to eat a variety of foods in the right portions for your body. Pay attention to portion sizes and your hunger cues. Our weight management program will teach you how to read nutrition labels, pick appropriate serving sizes and make smarter choices at the grocery store.

Find Support in Your Nutrition Journey

Changing your diet is challenging, but you've got this! And remember, you're not alone. The team at Schneck has programs and services to support you every step of your nutrition journey. We're just a call away whenever you need guidance or an extra push. Take the first step and get in touch with Schneck Nutrition Services today.
