Schneck Hosting Drive-thru COVID Vaccine Booster Clinics

UPDATED DATES, TIMES AND LOCATION: Schneck is hosting Drive-thru COVID Vaccine Booster Clinics on:
- Monday, November 8 (7:00 to 10:00 a.m.
- Wednesday, November 10 (3:00 to 6:00 p.m.)
- Thursday, November 11 (3:00 to 6:00pm)
The drive-thru clinic location has been changed to Freeman Field Recreation Complex due to high demand. The Recreation Complex is located at 2476 SR-11 in Seymour.
The clinic will offer the Pfizer and Moderna booster vaccine. Those wanting the booster vaccine must be AT LEAST six months from their second dose. The FDA has approved individuals to receive a different vaccine from their first/second dose.
First and second doses of Pfizer and Moderna are also available.
Registration is not required. Please bring your COVID vaccination card.