GERD: Signs, Symptoms & Treatments
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), also known as chronic acid reflux, is a digestive disease that causes stomach acid to reenter the esophagus. It can lead to moderate to severe irritation and a burning sensation in the chest. Chronic acid reflux is often treated by several procedures aiming to correct the root of the problem to alleviate the symptoms.
Chronic heartburn or reflux may be indicators that you suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Learn how Schneck can help bring relief.

Signs & Symptoms of GERD (Chronic Acid Reflux)
Occasionally, the valve between the esophagus and the stomach doesn’t close when it should causing stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus. The burning sensation you feel in your chest is caused by the acidity of your stomach acid and is known as acid reflux or heartburn. GERD is the result of frequent or chronic acid reflux.
Other common signs of GERD include indigestion, nausea, a bitter taste in your mouth, vomiting, shortness of breath, frequent cough, and frequent clearing of the throat.
The causes of GERD can be a variety of lifestyle or life events such as pregnancy, hiatal hernia, and poor eating habits. An unhealthy lifestyle that includes smoking or eating processed foods too often increases your risk of experiencing GERD.
If GERD is left untreated, your risks of developing esophageal ulcers and precancerous conditions such as Barrett's esophagus increase significantly.
Schneck Treats GERD
Schneck Surgical Associates provide life-changing procedures to individuals facing chronic acid reflux (GERD). These procedures are state of the art and only offered at a small number of hospitals. Plus, they're located right here at home in Seymour, Indiana.
Contact our Surgical Associate's team to determine if you're a candidate for a GERD procedure.
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GERD Treatments at Schneck
The initial treatment route for GERD involves taking a series of over-the-counter antacid medications. Every year, those who suffer from GERD collectively spend millions of dollars trying to mitigate the symptoms and find relief with these medications. However, persistent and painful symptoms that alter the person's quality of life may be indications that another level of treatment may be necessary.
Depending on the severity of the GERD you experience, surgery may be needed to improve your quality of life and bring you relief.
The Surgical Associates team at Schneck are experts in common GERD procedures. They provide better long-term solutions with minimally invasive procedures.
The LINX Reflux Management System uses a small flexible band of linked titanium beads around the lower esophageal sphincter to restore the body’s natural barrier to reflux in patients with GERD. This valve normally stops stomach fluids from refluxing into the esophagus.
Transoral incisionless fundoplication (TIF) is an endoscopy procedure that provides relief from acid reflux symptoms associated with GERD. Schneck's TIF-trained physicians use this procedure to restore the natural shape and functions of your esophageal valve using an endoscope.
The most common acid reflux procedures, Nissen or Toupet fundoplications are minimally invasive surgeries that involve wrapping the fundus section of the stomach around the esophagus to reinforce the valve.
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass is a form of weight-loss surgery common among patients who suffer from GERD. Our surgeons will create a small pouch out of your stomach and connect it to your small intestine, so that the food you swallow after surgery will "bypass" most of your stomach and pass through this small pouch on its way to your small intestine.
Meet Schneck's GERD Provider
Dr. Millick serves our communities with the highest level of expertise and care.

G. Brandon Millick, MD
Bariatrics/Surgical Weight Loss, General Surgery, da Vinci Surgery View Info »GERD FAQs
Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and ENTs (Ear, Nose, & Throat) are responsible for diagnosing and prescribing treatment for GERD. Schneck Surgical Associates surgeons are specifically trained in the management and treatment of reflux disease.
Depending on the progression and severity of the GERD you are experiencing, it may be possible to cure the symptoms permanently. Patients experiencing mild to moderate GERD may benefit from lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking or improving their diet. These actions can help minimize the symptoms long enough for the acid reflux to subside.
Get Relief from GERD at Schneck
Reach out to Schneck Surgical Associates for more information by calling (812) 519-2388 or talk to your doctor about a referral to Schneck Surgical Associates.