photo of person holding their lower back that has red and blue color radiating from painful areas

Schneck Pain Center

Schneck Pain Center is dedicated to the effective treatment and management of pain.

Our purpose is to identify the underlying cause of pain and cure it. When a cure is not possible, pain management is used to reduce the devastating impact of pain and help patients resume lives that are as normal and pain-free as possible.

The Pain Center offers evaluation, treatment, and follow-up for a wide range of pain conditions including headaches; fibromyalgia; chronic pain of the low back, knee or neck; post surgical symptoms; and vertebral compression fractures.

Patients are referred to the Pain Center by their primary care provider or specialist provider to help manage or diagnose pain conditions. Our office works closely with primary care and specialist providers to ensure a cohesive plan of care is maintained for patients.

Schneck Pain Center Referral Form »

"The doctor, the staff and nurses were all super friendly. The office was nice and clean . Was very comfortable with everyone in the office . I was nervous coming to a new doctor but had no reason to be. I am thankful for being recommended by my neurologist. It was a good day."

- Brenda, Schneck Pain Center Patient

Pain Experts

Pain expert

Specialized Areas of Focus

  • Chronic low back pain with or without leg involvement
  • Chronic neck pain with or without arm involvement
  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy)
  • Chronic knee pain, including pain after surgery
  • Vertebral compression fracture

  • Joint, nerve, and muscle injections, with ultrasound or X-ray guidance as needed
  • Spine injections for diagnostic and therapeutic benefit
  • Radiofrequency Ablation/Neurotomy (lumbar spine, thoracic spine, cervical spine, and knee)
  • Spinal cord stimulation and dorsal root ganglion stimulation (trial and implantation)
  • Targeted drug delivery (spinal “pump” for cancer-related pain)
  • Vertebroplasty/Kyphoplasty for vertebral compression fracture, Sacroplasty for sacral fractures
  • Lidocaine and Ketamine infusion therapy

On your first visit, please bring any X-rays, MRI, CT, or films relating to your pain condition.

We also complete a thorough review of medications. Bring a list of all the medications (prescription and over-the-counter) you are currently taking, including the name, dosages, frequency, and length of time you have been taking them. Please bring a similar list of the medications you have taken within the past year, but not currently taking, including the effectiveness of each medication and why you stopped taking them. Any drug allergies or sensitivities you have should be noted prominently.

Your physician's office should be able to assist you in obtaining these films and records.

The Pain Center services are available by appointment only. If you cannot keep a scheduled appointment, please notify us as soon as possible. We ask you contact us at least 24 hours in advance.

Arrive at the Schneck Professional Building, Level 5 at least 15 minutes prior to your first appointment. You can register at the reception window. A member of our staff will welcome you when it is time for your appointment.

Appointment lengths may vary based upon the type of visit you have scheduled. A guest may accompany you to the appointment. If an invasive procedure, such as an injection, is to be performed, you will be encouraged to bring a licensed driver with you.

Schneck Pain Center Location

The Pain Center is in the Schneck Professional Building. Click on the location to see hours of operation.

Conditions and Treatments

We treat a variety of chronic pain symptoms with the latest technology and procedures.

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