What is a Total Joint Replacement?

A total joint replacement, also known as arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to ease pain and improve the mobility of individuals with severely damaged or weakened joints. During this procedure, an artificial joint made of materials such as plastic, metal, or ceramic is used to replace the damaged part of the natural joint.

Total joint replacements are most frequently performed on joints like the shoulders, hips, and knees. It's important to note that at Schneck, our approach to advanced joint care is rooted in personalized support, ensuring that each patient receives treatment tailored to their unique needs to promote comfort and recovery.

What Conditions Does Total Joint Replacement Treat?

Schneck’s medical professionals consider total joint replacement as a solution for a range of concerns. Common conditions that may warrant a recommendation for total joint replacement include chronic pain that remains untreated by nonsurgical interventions, ongoing swelling that’s unresponsive to medication or movement, and limited mobility that hasn't shown improvement with lifestyle adjustments. We understand the diverse nature of these conditions and are dedicated to working closely with you to ensure the most appropriate and effective treatment for your specific circumstances. Our primary goal is to enhance your quality of life and reduce the challenges associated with mobility issues.

older man talking to doctor while holding knee

What Does Total Joint Replacement Consist Of at Schneck?

The total joint replacement process typically involves several key steps to ensure the best outcome for patients. Before surgery, patients should exercise regularly, eat healthy, and undergo a preparatory examination to optimize their health for the procedure and recovery.

During the surgical procedure, patients are placed under anesthesia to ensure they are pain-free while the weakened joint is removed through carefully made incisions. An artificial joint is then implanted in its place, and the incisions are securely closed. In some cases, patients may need a sling or brace to support the newly replaced joint. At Schneck, Mako SmartRobotics™ makes fewer cuts and more visibility possible, adding ease to surgery and recovery.

Following surgery, the length of hospital stay may vary. Depending on the specific case, patients may receive a same-day joint replacement. At Schneck, Patients must arrange assistance for travel and daily tasks, including bathing and tending to pets. It's essential to adhere to post-operative instructions from your healthcare provider, which calls for rest, cold compresses, cleansing, medication, and elevation as needed. This comprehensive approach is essential to a successful recovery.

What are the Risks of Total Joint Replacement?

While total joint replacement can be a transformative solution for regaining mobility and alleviating pain, it's important to know that like any surgery, it comes with inherent risks. Some patients may encounter complications such as infection, joint dislocation, clot formation, or other issues that can be influenced by factors such as medical history, adherence to recovery guidelines, and the complexity of the procedure.

To achieve the best possible outcome and ensure the longevity of the artificial joint, we recommend ongoing communication and collaboration with your healthcare provider at every stage of treatment. With proper care, artificial joints can last for the standard 10 to 15 years, offering you the mobility and lifestyle you deserve.

doctor talking to man sitting on hospital chair next to his crutches

Your Joint Care Provider

Trust Schneck's joint care providers to help you regain mobility and enhance your quality of life with personalized, expert care.

Experience Life Without Limits

If you're facing mobility issues due to joint pain and discomfort, it's time to consider life-changing treatment options like total joint replacement. At Schneck Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, we are here to support you every step of the way. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing personalized care and tailoring treatment plans to your unique needs. Don't let pain hold you back any longer. Contact us today to explore the possibilities with Schneck's expertise by your side.

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